MB: Over $160 Million for Paperwork and Chitchatting

Author: Colin Craig 2009/12/03

Hydro picks up atrocious tab for Aboriginal bands' consulting, legal bills for Keeyask, Wuskwatim and Conawapa dams

Band members allege funds used to buy Plasma TVs, Fridges, Xbox 360s and cash payments for attending community meetings

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) called on the provincial government today to immediately order Manitoba Hydro to fully disclose how $160 million was spent on consulting, legal and "community costs for the Wuskwatim, Keeyask and Conawapa dam projects.

“This is truly appalling. How could they possibly spend over $160 million on chitchat sessions and consulting bills?” questioned Colin Craig, Manitoba Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. “We have heard from many band members that some of the funds went towards buying Xbox 360s, Plasma T.V.s, cash payments and other means to lure people to community meetings. If those allegations are true, Manitoba Hydro has some serious explaining to do.”

The CTF noted that the $160 million tab to date will only rise as the bands are still handing in bills for all three projects. The CTF called for an immediate halt to such payments.


Who Billed What? 




Fox Lake 







 $ -

$ - 

$ -























All figures in millions, NCN refers to Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, CNP/TCN refers to Tataskweyak and War Lake

The table above was provided by the Winnipeg Free Press. To view documents obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation showing annual expenditures for some of the projects, click here.

The CTF has requested audit documents and details on these expenditures from Manitoba Hydro, but has been refused access. To view Manitoba Hydro's refusals, click here.


"It's a lot of money to me, too. No, it's a heck of a lot of money.”  – MB Hydro CEO Bob Brennan on negotiation costs, Hansard, June 1, 2009


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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